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Diana Vreeken Suffolk, VA 


Irish Wolfhound Association of the Mid South


Irish Wolfhounds entered my life in 2004 and this is when my amazing journey started.  I compete in conformation, lure coursing, rally and obedience.  My dogs and I have worked together to earn their Championships, lure coursing, rally, therapy dog and Canine Good Citizen titles. I've also trained one of my Irish Wolfhound in scent work, as a Diabetic Alert Dog. I've been an active member of IWAMS since 2006 and served as editor of the newsletter from 2008-2016. I currently serve as treasurer and held the position of silent auction coordinator until 2018. I’ve been an active member of Sighthound Organization of Tidewater from 2005-2018 and served as their secretary from 2006-2017. I have been a Field Trial Secretary for their lure coursing events from 2005 to 2018. I am also an associate member of the Irish Wolfhound Association of the Garden State and an active member/past board member of the Irish Wolfhound Club of America, the American Kennel Club affiliated parent club for the breed in the United States. I have worked as a conformation steward for several years and have hosted several gatherings for SHOT and IWAMS at our home in Virginia. I've bred three litters of Irish Wolfhounds under the Prefix "Quinlan" and have successfully completed championships on hounds we've bred ourselves. My husband and I are dedicated to the long term health and welfare of the Irish Wolfhound breed. If you seek information about IWAMS or the breed feel free to email me.  

Under the name “Quinlan”, I have whelped three litters.

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